why you should start a blog

should i start a blog on my website? - is easily the question we get asked most here at in-house. the short answer is yes. (spoiler alert: the long answer is also yes) and we can’t stress enough the importance of having a blog on your website.

here’s a few reasons why you should start a blog:

writing a blog is an easy and effective way to showcase your authority on a topic or subject matter to build trust and credibility with potential customers

blogs help improve your search engine optimization (seo) when you regularly update them with high-quality content, in turn making it easier for potential customers to find you and your business

blogs are a fantastic way to educate potential future customers on the intricacies of your products or services, setting them up for success down the road during the purchasing process

blogs are great for lead generation. you can include cta’s like this one: free brainstorming sessions to help capture and nurture leads

and finally, you should start a blog because if you can write it yourself, it’s free marketing!

in-house tip: blogs don’t have to be long, write micro blogs that are short and sweet for better readability.


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