utilizing white space in design

utilizing white space in design

white space (also called negative space or blank space) isn’t just your designer being lazy, it’s a strategic design choice aimed at improving user experience and engagement through the elimination of clutter. here are 4 reasons why you should be designing with white space in mind:

  1. it’s easier to read: utilizing white space around text and visual elements enhances readability and makes it easier for your audience to absorb critical information and navigate your content

  2. enhanced user experience: white space helps emphasize key content and calls to action (CTAs), bringing attention towards critical messages

  3. it’s mobile friendly: white space is crucial for mobile responsiveness, as it ensures that elements are properly spaced and accessible on smaller screens (also your content is less likely to get cut off)

  4. page load speed & SEO: less clutter and more white space means your site is loading less, leading to faster page load times which is crucial for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings and contributes to better website performance

in-house tip: your white space can be any color, the term relates to the spacing around text and objects.


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